A Short History of the MCU in Memes

If you’ve been able to see Avengers: Endgame, good on ya. There will be a review post coming soon, I hope. There has been a lot going on on my end. Keeping with the spirit of commemorating the last eleven or so years of Marvel films, here is a walk down memory lane that shows you the funnier side of this universe.

The early days of the Marvel Cinematic Universe were in the early days of the internet becoming a hub for social media and meme culture. Memes as a form of humor, to my recollection, exploded in 2012, around the time The Avengers came out. You could argue that Marvel fandom invented online fandom and memes. If not, you have to at least agree that this fandom and memes have more or less always gone hand in hand.

The MCU fandom has spawned billions of images with funny captions or screenshots of Twitter and Tumblr text posts.  This saga, that many are now referring to as the Infinity Saga, is the story that the digital generation grew up with. They have celebrated it in countless ways: the examples below are just a few.

1. Iron Man Not Having a Superhero Identity Crisis

*mic drop*

so the iron man

2. “TELL ME!” (Thor, 2011)

Image result for loki tell me gif

The fandom pulled it completely out of context to express their desperation for…Budapest.

Image result for loki tell me meme budapest

And BuckyNat.

tell me abt buckynat loki

3. “This drink, I like it! ANOTHER!” (2011)

Thor’s first visit to a Midgardian diner results in an unabashed display of his Asgardian table manners.

Image result for this drink i like it another gif

It became a universal way of expressing how much you like, well, anything.

Image result for i like it another meme
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Are you a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? Because you may like this meme.


Never mind that he’s been drinking coffee!

4. “Take Off the Suit, What Are You?” (The Avengers, 2012)

The original exchange went down like this:

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The fandom saw more possibility:

bad joke

Including a tribute to one of RDJ’s other roles:

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5. “We Have a Hulk” (The Avengers, 2012)

Image result for the avengers we have a hulk

SO MUCH of what went down in The Avengers (2012) has become iconic, including the exchange between Tony Stark and Loki in the tower. “We have a Hulk” is a very versatile meme. Consider this example:

one up by jack

It’s a great way to flash your secret weapon, whatever it is. Or your biggest disadvantage.

Image result for we have a hulk meme

Or you can always just have Tony diss Loki.

Image result for i have an army fangirls don't count

I made this after Captain Marvel came out.

we have a flerken.jpg

This line was used again in Infinity War, but in a very surprising way.

6. We’re Up All Night to Get Loki (Thor: The Dark World, 2013)

The song “Get Lucky” by Daft Punk debuted in 2013–around the same Thor: The Dark World did.

up all night


7. “On Your Left” (Captain America: The Winter Soldier, 2014)


Image result for on your left gif

It recently inspired me to write a short gag starring two of my favorite Jedi:

on your left space bros
Personal Screenshot

Poking fun at the superhero movie industry? No problem.

Image result for on your left meme

It’s a setup for some sweet revenge…

Sam bribed him (juan678, full comic here)

And of course, who doesn’t want to see Bucky get in on the action?

found on pinterest

Also guess what? At FanX I took a photo with Clark Gregg. And Phil Coulson was ON MY LEFT!

I didn’t plan it…entirely…

photo op with clark gregg.jpg

(More FanX Spring to come!)

8. “Hail Hydra” (Captain America: The Winter Soldier, 2014)

*broke the internet*

Image result for hail hydra gif


Image result for hail hydra meme whisper


Jaime Liam Ocelot/BuzzFeed


BuzzFeed: Hail Hydra takes the Interwebs by Storm

9.  Talking Raccoon Needs Prosthetics (Guardians of the Galaxy, 2014)

Rocket Raccoon pulls a seemingly harmless prank on Peter Quill by asking him to bring the prosthetic leg of another prisoner along with other resources they need for their escape from the Kyln.

Image result for guardians of the galaxy i'm gonna need that guy's arm

The fandom thought it was hilarious.

rocket has plan

Image result for rocket raccoon needs darth vader

Wait a second, didn’t we have a character with a prosthetic arm in this year’s other Marvel movie?

i need dis arm i have dis poster.jpg

The payoff in Infinity War was HUGE!

bucky and rocket gun

10. Civil War (Pre-production)

Marvel announced its Phase 3 lineup at a press conference in the fall of 2014. First on the list was Captain America: Civil War. The fandom immediately went crazy.

civil war logo.jpg

“Take Off the Suit, What Are You?” became the template.

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And then it became an iconic comic to caption.

Image result for captain america civil war meme
Geek Chic Elite

It was a very flexible meme.

Image result for captain america civil war meme variation

Anyone could get involved. Over anything.

Image result for captain america civil war meme

And then the first trailer for the film made it heartbreaking again.

feels war your friend.png

I am a co-admin for a Star Wars prequels fanpage, so I made this.

star a war over prequels

11. “You Step Out That Door” (Avengers: Age of Ultron 2015)

The line was originally spoken by Clint Barton to Wanda Maximoff during Age of Ultron.

Image result for you step out that door you're an avenger

The fandom took it and ran with it.

*clears throat* I believe I'm qualified. Would you kindly point me in the direction of the door of which you're speaking?

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12. “You Didn’t See That Coming?” (Avengers: Age of Ultron 2015)

Ah, MCU!Quicksilver, how briefly we knew thee!

Image result for age of ultron you didn't see that coming meme

But fortunately, fans celebrated his life with his most iconic line.

Image result for age of ultron you didn't see that coming meme
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25 Hilarious Quicksilver Memes That Will Make You Laugh Hard
mmm-hmm (Pinterest)
#wattpad #fanfiction "You didn't see that coming?" Pietro smiled and kissed my lips "I'm ice cold Pietro, I would've never expected this." I blushed "You were never cold." "Pietro, I was ice cold, until you melted my heart, taking the coldness with it." He smiled and kissed my lips again. #17 out of 12k+ in Avengers, A...
Meme + Meme = Meme (Pinterest)
{Russian voice Me}: ...what......you did not see that coming ? lol, one of my favorite parts of the movie ;)

This started as a response to a midterms meme on BYU Memes. Then they asked me to post it separate.  Because college.

midterms byu

13. Sam and Bucky Running (CACW Filming)

A set photo of Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie on the set of Captain America: Civil War was released during filming.

Image result for sam and bucky running meme template
Know Your Meme

It immediately went viral.

run fo yo life it's sam and bucky.png

And it broke dimensional barriers.

ack for jack


Image result for sam and bucky running original photo
How fast could they make the Kessel Run? (Reddit)
Image result for sam and bucky running original photo
*dramatic Spanish music* (Reddit)

Forrest Gump got nothing on these two.

Image result for sam and bucky running original photo

Their burning desire? To be ‘official’ Avengers. And they’re in a hurry to prove it.


14. December 16, 1991 (Captain America: Civil War, 2016)

Helmut Zemo only needed one mission report. One date. And he let EVERYONE know it.

Image result for captain america civil war zemo mission report gif

In spite of how serious it was, the fandom couldn’t take it seriously.

Mission report, December 16, 1991

His most formidable opponent? Possibly Luis from Ant-Man (2015).

Luis saves the day

Captain America: Civil War has been described as “an okay movie that yielded spectacular memes.”

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Daily LOL pics

beware december

16. “Dormammu, I’ve Come to Bargain!” (Doctor Strange, 2016)

Image result for i've come to bargain gif

If you want something done right, bargain for it in the most possibly annoying way.

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Know Your Meme
Image result for i've come to bargain meme
Know Your Meme
Image result for i've come to bargain meme
Know Your Meme
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Cumberbatch makes this meme look sexy (Pinterest)

And then this crossover happens:


17. “You Feel Love for Her”/Drax Laughing (GOTG Vol. 2, 2017)

The scene with Mantis initially reading Star-Lord’s emotions debuted in the second trailer for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.


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Drax had the following reaction:

Image result for mantis guardians of the galaxy meme
Geeks on Coffee

The fandom decided that Mantis’ abilities as an empath could be useful for a number of needs. And Drax was pretty handy, too.

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Nice Try, Parker (memedroid)

It put a hilarious spin on Rey prying into Kylo Ren’s mind in The Force Awakens (2015).


Obviously, this meme is a great way to promote your ship.

18. “Don’t Make Me Come Down There, You Punk!” (Spider-man: Homecoming, 2017)

This was Stan Lee’s cameo scene in Spider-Man: Homecoming. Stan Lee looks out an apartment window and reprimands Spidey for his shenanigans.

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After Stan Lee passed, the fandom photoshopped him into Heaven—because of course he is watching over us.

Image result for don't make me come down there punk

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Image result for don't make me come down there punk

19. Loki the Snake/”Mblergh! It’s Me!” (Thor: Ragnarok, 2017)

Image result for loki the snake thor ragnarok

It was a hilarious story that made Thor and Loki’s relationship even more endearing.


It later made us question how Thor would deal with Loki’s death (?) in Infinity War.

2018 was a wild ride for MCU fans and here are the memes to prove it.

In fact, it sounded like a great way to defeat Thanos.

sister surprise IW.jpg

Good times all around, for the family of any loving snek.

Snake Loki

20. “Why is Gamora?” (Avengers: Infinity War, 2018)

Word on the street is, this line was improvised.

Image result for why is gamora

why is gamora meme

why is padme

Ouch, fam.
Image result for why is gamora

Know Your Meme

21. The Dust Settles (Avengers: Infinity War 2018)

I actually hate this meme a lot.

I don't feel so good


*SPOILERS*        OBVIOUSLY t'challa. Or maybe bucky. Or peter... Although it look s a lot like strange. or could it be wanda?


Especially every time I see the words “I don’t feel so good.”

Mr. Stark... I don't feel so good...

I don't feel so good

But there was one that I saw once where someone had commented that Peter Parker would want to be remembered as an iconic meme, and that made me feel better. Slightly. Sadly wasn’t able to find it.

22. Ant-man and the Wasp versus Mid-credit Scene (Ant-Man & the Wasp, 2018)

Ant-Man and the Wasp was a great comedy to lift our spirits after Infinity War…but then…


Technically Scott wasn’t on House arrest anymore—if only they had been watching the news…



23. How Fury Lost His Eye (spoilers) (Captain Marvel, 2019)

The entire fandom predicted it—and I bet against it.

No, seriously, someone made this post when the second trailer dropped and we had the stinger scene with Nick fawning over the cat:


I seriously didn’t think they would go there—and then they did.

Steve Rogers Captain America Cap meme fandom geek nerd movies comics Carol Danvers Goose cat Nick Fury Marvel MCU

Underwhelming? Yes. A good warning against how to not handle a cat? Also yes.

#captainmarvel #marvel #mcu #nickfury #goose
I finally saw Spider-man: Into the Spider-verse last weekend so I get where this meme came from now, btw (Pinterest)

However, the fact that Nick Fury used to like cats makes him more endearing.

Ich habe den Film noch nicht gesehen, aber wie auch immer  #gesehen #immer #nicht,
Some more DC for ya–Pinterest

I wonder if he still does?

Coming soon (hopefully):

  • an Endgame Review of some kind

  • and that time I met Clark Gregg

Read More

Polygon’s selection of MCU memes


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