A Short History of the MCU in Memes

If you’ve been able to see Avengers: Endgame, good on ya. There will be a review post coming soon, I hope. There has been a lot going on on my end. Keeping with the spirit of commemorating the last eleven or so years of Marvel films, here is a walk down memory lane that shows you the funnier side of this universe.

The early days of the Marvel Cinematic Universe were in the early days of the internet becoming a hub for social media and meme culture. Memes as a form of humor, to my recollection, exploded in 2012, around the time The Avengers came out. You could argue that Marvel fandom invented online fandom and memes. If not, you have to at least agree that this fandom and memes have more or less always gone hand in hand.

The MCU fandom has spawned billions of images with funny captions or screenshots of Twitter and Tumblr text posts.  This saga, that many are now referring to as the Infinity Saga, is the story that the digital generation grew up with. They have celebrated it in countless ways: the examples below are just a few.

1. Iron Man Not Having a Superhero Identity Crisis

*mic drop*

so the iron man

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A Tribute to Ten Marvel-ous Men

Being single means preparing for marriage by taking care of myself. This takes place in various ways including self-care and developing my character and life skills. Naturally, I am always thinking of what kind of person I hope my future spouse will be. Being a nerd/geek/whatever, I am always looking for wanted and unwanted attributes in fictional characters, including males. As it happens, fiction is a good way to learn about life.

In preparation for Captain Marvel and Avengers: Endgame, I have been rewatching the Marvel Cinematic Universe films. This has given me a chance to evaluate and re-evaluate the personalities and quirks of the characters, both the superheroes and the not-so-super heroes. If I had had more time, this post would have been written in February in honor of Valentines. I think it’s worth posting even now with the impending arrival of Saint Patrick’s Day and Captain Marvel, and to serve as a comparison and contrast for a possible similar post about female Marvel characters for Women’s History Month (as well as analysis of men who support them).  I also think it’s a good idea before we get too deep into the “Girl’s Rule” celebration this month that we reflect on the fact that not all men suck.

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‘Ant-man and the Wasp’ Delivers In Spite of Post-Infinity War Angst

After the outstanding success of Black Panther and the devastating finale of Infinity War, it would seem like a tall order for an in-between stand-alone film like Ant-Man and the Wasp to be as impressive or as entertaining as either film—especially when some of us are waiting for Captain Marvel.

But in spite of those odds, Ant-man and the Wasp, like its predecessor, Ant-man, exceeded expectations, perhaps even more so. I kid you not.

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